Parking Saba Sparkasse - Hildesheim

Last view Last hour0h

  • 200

Almsstrasse, 27 31134, Hildesheim


Parking area 24/7, underground parking: closed from 21:00 - 06:00, Sunday closed


Maximum height allowed: 2 meters


You can enjoy all the services and benefits offered by this car park located only a few metres away from one of the gems in this city: St. Michael's Church, declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco in 1985, alongside nearby St Mary's Cathedral, whose library has been in operation since 815 and is the oldest in northern Germany.

Tariffs - Short term parkers

Day tariff (07:00 - 20:00)

  • 1st 30min. - 1,00€‚
  • 60min. - 2,00€‚
  • Every following hour - 1,50€‚
  • Daily tariff maximum - 8,00€
  • Loss of ticket - 15,00€

  • Night tariff (20:00 - 07:00)

  • 1st hour - 2,00€
  • Night tariff maximum - 4,00€
  • Hourly fee

    Price per hour.
